Goldsmiths, University of London is a creative powerhouse, with a rich academic heritage dating back to 1891. It is an internationally renowned centre of excellence for the arts, creative design, AI, VR and digital technologies, and for R&D and innovation spin/offs. It has 15 academic departments with smaller centres and units. These interact to provide a unique approach to creative, cultural and social subjects.
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance is a leading European school for contemporary dance. It is part of the Trinity Laban higher education institution. This was formed by the merger of theTrinity College of Music and Laban. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses, diplomas and certificates. Subjects include dance theatre, scenography and dance science. Its venues include Blackheath Halls and the Laban Building at Creekside.
Our schools have benefited from £300m investment in state of the art buildings. Our primary schools have a track record of innovation and creative approaches to addressing social disadvantages, building on our strong track record on early years’ education. All our schools are part of Lewisham Learning, a school-led school improvement partnership. Our secondary schools in particular are benefiting from £750k of DfE funding for the Lewisham Secondary Challenge.
With well above average results, Lewisham Southwark College is ranked the fourth best further education college in London and among the best 10 per cent nationally.
The Department for Education’s National Achievement tables and the Apprenticeship Overall Achievement Rates are well above the national benchmark, demonstrating the college’s strengths in helping young people carve out their future careers.
The college also offers a broad range of Higher Education qualifications within an innovative and dynamic learning environment and as an alternative to traditional universities. The college was selected to feature in New London Architecture’s exhibition, ‘Knowledge Capital: making places for education, innovation and health’ because of its role in helping to transform the education sector.
The BREEAM excellent education facility had worked with Elementa to create a multi-functional space in its new building, along with a vibrant atrium and transparent study area promoting a communal learning approach and student hub within the campus. The college also works closely with industry leaders to offer the skills currently required in the workplace. Lewisham Council is seeking to work with the college to expand this offer even further and provide more courses that are tailored to local employers needs and which will also enable residents to upskill. This will create new opportunities for all residents.
The Lewisham Construction Hub is a trailblazing example of how the local authority is supporting residents, businesses, training partners and construction employers to mutual benefit. The council-led initiative brings together experts from the construction industry to offer advice, training and employment services. It also provides a brokerage and business-development service to help Lewisham-based businesses secure local contracts and recruit skilled workers. Developers and construction employers are encouraged to promote opportunities to residents and businesses in the borough that an anticipated £2 billion investment will bring.